Chemical peels
Chemical peels are a mainstay in your skin care journey! It is a treatment that is advocated by our practice for most patients. It is affordable and a simple way to improve skin quality and address a number of common skin issues.
Chemical peels may be better termed ‘enzyme treatments’ as the term peel conjures up visions of skin being stripped from the face!
A peel is a cosmetic treatment where a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove the top layers. This allows a controlled and limited injury to the skin, leading to rejuvenation and improvement of the patient’s concern.
There are many different peels, the type and strength determining the depth of penetration. Different ingredients and concentrations can be used depending on the result required. Lighter peels are like a facial, with transient mild redness but no downtime and improve lines, pigment, blocked pores/active acne. Deep peels cause more discomfort and downtime (flaking, peeling, redness and swelling) and are useful for management of acne/surgical scars.
You may require a series of treatments to address your specific concern or achieve healthy glowing skin. Appointments are usually space 2–4 weeks apart.
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